At Blueballs Ireland we wanted to provide a space where we could give men the opportunity to connect, share and support one another. We were fortunate enough to be able to host events at Dean’s Offgrid Wellness centre and Jonathan’s Ernesto's cafe. We have had some amazing guest speakers over the past 12 months including Richie Sadlier, Kevin McManamum, Brian Pennie, Pat Divilly, Luke Walsh, Darragh Stewart, Ciaran May, and David Patrick Farrell. Occasionally Eoin or Dean will also facilitate an evening. We have run these events for FREE up to now. Going forward there will be a €10 fee for each participant to cover the costs of the guest speaker. We make no money personally off these events. Any surplus funds go straight into growing the group and hosting more events.
We ask anyone who is attending any of our events at Offgrid or Ernesto’s cafe that they agree to the following guidelines
You speak personally and not about someone else. Ownership = Own-your-shit! Speak from the I as opposed to the ‘we’.
You do not have permission to share someones story.
You are not their give advice unless it asked for. You are there to listen and be listened.
Be open and honest.
Do not attend the events under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Try and avoid always cracking jokes and ‘banter as it deflects from getting any depth to a conversation. Although we do have good craic at these events.
Please note that we are not trained psychologists or counselors. However, we can signpost you in the direction of professional help.